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No Frills Fundraiser
PTO - New Providece Middle School
Product Details
In lieu of buying or selling items, we ask that each family make a tax-deductible donation to the NPMS PTO. It’s as simple as that! 100% of this donation goes to fund the PTO events listed above which support our students and faculty. In order for us to meet our goal and fund all of our events, we need as close to 100% participation as possible. In the event that the
No Frills Fundraiser does NOT raise adequate funds, other fundraisers may need to be held or events may need to be removed from the schedule.
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In lieu of buying or selling items, we ask that each family make a tax-deductible donation to the NPMS PTO. It’s as simple as that! 100% of this donation goes to fund the PTO events listed above which support our students and faculty. In order for us to meet our goal and fund all of our events, we need as close to 100% participation as possible. In the event that the
No Frills Fundraiser does NOT raise adequate funds, other fundraisers may need to be held or events may need to be removed from the schedule.
In lieu of buying or selling items, we ask that each family make a tax-deductible donation to the NPMS PTO. It’s as simple as that! 100% of this donation goes to fund the PTO events listed above which support our students and faculty. In order for us to meet our goal and fund all of our events, we need as close to 100% participation as possible. In the event that the
No Frills Fundraiser does NOT raise adequate funds, other fundraisers may need to be held or events may need to be removed from the schedule.
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